Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hotels in Battambang City

Battambang City is the second largest city in Cambodia. Battambang has many tourist attractions for visitors. It is very convenience to come here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


រូបព្រះសង្ហានៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជាមាន ៥ ចំណុចគឺ់

• ពន្លឺឆព្វណ្ណរង្សីនៅពីលើគេតំណាងអោយអារ្យធម៌ខ្មែរ។
• ស្វេតចត្រទាំងពី តំនាងអោយព្រះមហាក្សត្រ និង មហាក្សត្រយានី ជាអ្នករក្សា និង ជាម្លប់ដ៏ត្រជាក់សម្រាប់ប្រជានុរាស្រ្ត ។
• ព្រះខ័ននៅលើជើងពានពីក្រោមមកុដរាជ្យជានិមិត្តរូបនៃអំណាច និងយុត្តិធម៌។
• រាជសីហ៍ទាំងពីតំណាងអោយកម្លាំងទព័និងប្រជានុរាស្រ្តនៅជុំវិញរាជបាល្ល័ង។
• ពាក្ស ព្រះចៅក្រុងកម្ពុជា តំណាងអោយអធិបតីយភាពនៃ ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រ
កម្ពុជា ។

Saturday, December 11, 2010


In the age of computers, where we can obtain knowledge at the click of mouse, many people think that libraries are unnecessary .This could not be further from the truth. Admittedly libraries are changing a great deal to keep up with the age of technology but  they do provide a different experience than merely sitting in front of the keyboard a goggling some information.
There is a place where you can go to do your own research for an assignment or for  a topic in which you are interested in. The amount of reading that a student is  required to do at university level is enormous. All university students are given bibliographies from which they have to select appropriate information ,critically examine different arguments and viewpoints, understand concepts ,apply concepts and finally synthesis the knowledge so that it becomes our own.
As well as attending lectures and tutorials students are excepted to spend as much time again on library research and independent study. If you can become an independent learner taking responsibility for reading widely and reading in depth , you are well on the way to success. By reading widely you will become very skills is never essay. Successful readers need to solve many puzzle,such as learning to recognize unfamiliar words, grammatical arrangement of words and organization of the text. If students are highly motivated to go to the library for both academic reading and reading for enjoyment, they are more likely to achieve better results than those who do not.
But not everything is grind and hard work in the library. There are newspaper , magazines, novels and easy graded readers. Newspaper are useful for browsing articles of interest, keeping up with the news and perhaps even reading something in dept h which has caught your eye. You can read some of the English classics in abridged, easy for mat  or you can just browse through a magazine. All of this reading will increase your vocabulary, your general knowledge and your general  linguistic ability. So why don’t you come to library to see all the changes happening and read one of the new books…….looking forward to seeing you soon.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Father of Accounting

Luca Pacioli: Father of Accounting

Luca Pacioli  is called a father of Accounting. He born in 1445 and died in 1517. He was born in a poor family.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Personal Information

Hello all my friends here I really happy to be here with all of you and share our idea  together . I am a college student at University of Battambang(UBB) in Accounting. In my future I want to be a professional Accountant and I would like to open my own business as soon as possible as I can. I am very happy if someone can give some comments or good advices for me in these.